Friday, February 27, 2015


enjoying david having the weekend off. the entire weekend.  too bad he isn't feeling well.

appreciating aimi and steve.  any time I need them they are there for me. <3

reading Batman "Death of the Family" and Sandman "Overture" so good.

eating southwest salads.  I have been addicted lately.  also, anything with onions (which I previously hated)*

watching Bates Motel.  I have a ton of shows that have been recommended to me but I haven't had a chance to start any of them.  Some of the list:  Black Mirror, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, House of Cards, Scandal.  I think since I just finished watching The West Wing I might start one of the political ones.

listening to Startalk Radio. 

mourning the loss of david's great grandfather who passed away earlier this week and leonard nimoy, both will be dearly missed in this household.

thinking about going back to school.  listening to lectures on inflationary cosmology and swooning over scientists.

loving that I have been painting again recently, also...the weather we've been having.

doing this

cutting way, way back on my soda intake.  I think I have like maybe 12oz of soda a day or every other day.

looking into getting my ears pierced.

fangirling over this site.  I will take one of each. (wedding registry?)

*no, not pregnant.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"my thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." - John Green

I have found myself at a loss for words lately.
life has been peaceful (for the most part) so I have been enjoying it much more.

I never expected getting engaged to be stressful.  I imagined he would ask me and we would continue our lives...with a shiny sparkly ring.

what I didn't know is approximately five minutes after people find out you're engaged, they start asking the questions:

have you set a date? no.
have you found a dress? yes, but can I afford it? is the question that should be asked...
how did he ask you? he came in the bedroom, pulled out a ring and asked.  the details are fuzzy, but the question is the only part that really matters.
have you found a venue? this requires setting a date.
who are you going to invite? honestly, I haven't really thought about it.
what do the girls think about it? they're cool with it.  they kinda like me.

I am more concerned about finding the right home for our family. where we live was never supposed to be a long term option.  life gets in the way though. and we love (and at times, hate) being around family.

I want to write more. I want to paint more. I want to do more fun things with the kids.  I want to remember more details.  I think Facebook has ruined me.  I post a little blurb about life and the next thing you know it is a year later and it comes up on timehop and I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.

I want this blog to hold me accountable.

I want this to be a carefully curated tour of my life.

Friday, February 25, 2000